• What is a BBBJ?

    Question: What is a BBBJ?

    Dear Bareback Michael,

    Some dude sent me an Instant Message the other day saying he wanted a BBBJ. What the fuck is that? I often see things like this and have no idea what people are talking about, but just play along like I understand. What does IMO mean? How about LOL? I want to get laid and don't want to seem like an idiot!

    Clueless in Seattle


    Dear Clueless,

    Do you want the short answer or the long answer? Since size matters I'll try to give you a "little" bit of both. A BBBJ is a bareback blow job. He wants you to suck his cock and he won't accept any latex bullshit. Go for it. IMO means In My Opinion. For example, IMO BBBJs taste a shitload better than latex! LOL means laughing out loud and is used to indicate you are joking. I could say, "You are a clueless motherfucker. LOL" and you would know I was just teasing. Here are a few other common abbreviations:

    IANAC : I Am Not A Crook
    ROTFL : Rolling On The Floor Laughing
    IASH : I Am So Horny
    IM : Instant Message
    PABG : Pack A Big Gun
    PIMP : Pee In My Pants

    You can get a full list of Internet Acronyms at http://www.gaarde.org/acronyms. They let you waste less time and get down more quickly to serious fucking!

    TTFN (Ta Ta For Now!)


    Bareback Michael

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