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Posts posted by kygayjoshbb

  1. Honestly, I think the only time a top should be upset about this is IF he's verse.  Yet traditionally speaking, it's common for SOME bottoms to just suck and receive anal and receive their satisfaction from that. Thus, it's also it's not uncommon for a Top who will only top and receive oral and the intention is for their pleasure only.


    I'm PRIMARILY a bottom and many guys are supportive if I don't cum.

  2. I will not deny there was a point that I felt the same way because I saw it as inevitable.  BUT I was very very very lucky to not get it and now being on PrEP, it lessens but NOT eliminates HIV and can increase risk for STDs.

    Either host a party or attend one and your desires may be met.

  3. Good question and good reply.

    BUT...... BBers should understand that there's a likelihood their partner could be + and if they truly want to stay -, they should either abstain from sex & needles and use condoms all of the time.  BUT that doesn't excuse a gifter from blatantly passing the gift to one who didn't want it.

    Let's face it, not everyone knows & cares about their status.  People do lie about things just to get lucky.  How many people have asked a possible fling if they used drugs and he said no but when they hookup, he's using meth?  Who has asked a guy if he has a STD and the guy says no and you see his genitals that could say otherwise?



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